Sunday, January 28, 2018

[MCSC] evilpython 50pts - Writeup[/PWN]

Now I going to write about evilpython pwn writeup from Myanmar Cyber Security Challenge 2018.

Hint - "Evil exists not only in hell"

Now time to test!
I just connect with my nc( netcat client ) to server that running evilpython.

first I submit "123" to server.
the server response back to me "123"
Now I try to submit some payload "1-2"
the server response back to me "-1", Opps!
why response back "-1".
And try to reconnect to server with nc and don't type anything just press Enter.
I got some error.

I know the backend running python script execute with eval function to our input variable age. 

evil_age = eval(age)

I quick look up in google and I found the python payload like that



bingo! we executed "id" command to server, Now I need to find the flag in server.
the evil python script is running under pyevil user privilege, so the flag will be under pyevil home folder ( just I guess ), let search the flag in home folder.  

Now I found the flag path, let read the flag.

flag : mcsc{eval_is_s0_ev!l}

Thanks For reading.

This is second challenge that I solved in MCSC2018.
And the first solver team of that challenge, so we got another bonus (1 point ).

Note : I forget to read script!
I want to say thank you to Ko ******* who created this challenge.

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